PROJECT Automated Train
Development and testing of intelligent technologies for fully-automated rail travel

Project duration:
07/2023 – 09/2026

Total project volume:
95 Mio. €

Project coordinator:

Funded by:
The German Federal
Ministry for Economic
Affairs and Climate
Action (BMWK)

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Project goal

Future train, all aboard! Automated Train, Deutsche Bahn’s vision for automated rail travel, is gaining speed. Siemens Mobility and S-Bahn Stuttgart are providing two test trains that will roll autonomously from the depot to the platform – a novelty in terms of mobility.

Intelligent systems such as environment recognition and accident avoidance will be essential to their success. They will act as the eyes and the brain of the train. In order for these systems to work in trains from different manufacturers, a central manufacturer-independent runtime environment is needed – the so-called Safe On-board High-performance Platform (SOHP). This is where Codewerk comes in.

Experiments with a future

To breathe life into the promising idea of SOHP, the requirements must first be gathered, assessed and documented. Next, prototypical implementation must be carried out, including tests.

Because the SOHP and the applications running on it are security-critical, the development phase is all about testing, testing and still more testing. This is time-consuming, but necessary to ensure reliability and stability.

Artificial intelligence could shorten the process by 30%

In train projects, software only swallows up a fraction of the budget, but often causes 50 % or more of the contractual penalties – because it is often software errors that lead to malfunctions during or after commissioning.

It requires more and better testing. Our solution: AI-based test case and test code generation! AI is particularly suitable in this application as many parameters and variables are already pre-defined.

We estimate that we could shorten the software engineering process for tests by as much as 30% Thus, software moves into the spotlight – with less risk and more opportunities.

Automated Train represents German innovation: safer, greener, more efficient. A flagship project that shows the rail industry is moving forward.

Ongoing innovation projects

We are currently involved in these large-scale research projects.

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Automated Train
The journey without a train driver begins
Continuous model-based product line development for control systems in vehicle technology
The cloud for a networked industry